Economic Stimulus Package

From Postmodern Dictionary
Revision as of 20:56, 5 March 2023 by Root (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In the words of the early 21st century American President, Barack Obama, an economic stimulus package is a spending package. It follows from this (and the law of verbal association) that any spending package qualifies as an economic stimulus package. Clearly, any spending package induces some economic stimulus. Since it would be undemocratic to consider the ratio of stimulus to spending to be a matter of any importance, we will not do so here.")
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In the words of the early 21st century American President, Barack Obama, an economic stimulus package is a spending package. It follows from this (and the law of verbal association) that any spending package qualifies as an economic stimulus package. Clearly, any spending package induces some economic stimulus. Since it would be undemocratic to consider the ratio of stimulus to spending to be a matter of any importance, we will not do so here.