Republican: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "In contrast to a Democrat, a Republican is someone who believes in maximizing opportunity, even at the expense of increasing disparity of lifestyle. While many other principles of life and/or governance have been associated with the label "Republican," no convincing case can be presented that any such auxiliary belief or principle is a requirement for membership in the Republican Party. Bear in mind, of course, that there are big government Republicans (who believe in g...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 02:02, 6 March 2023

In contrast to a Democrat, a Republican is someone who believes in maximizing opportunity, even at the expense of increasing disparity of lifestyle. While many other principles of life and/or governance have been associated with the label "Republican," no convincing case can be presented that any such auxiliary belief or principle is a requirement for membership in the Republican Party.

Bear in mind, of course, that there are big government Republicans (who believe in giant corporations and billionaires occupying the main seats at the table of financial and associated regulations) and small government Republicans (who believe that regulations should be minimal and geared toward encouraging small enterprises by lowering bureaucratic burdens), and that they each have their own ideas about whose opportunities should be maximized.

These differences, and others, tend to be covered over by slogans during election time.

As such, the Republican Party is an example of a Big Tent Party.