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One of those elusive terms that is claimed by almost everybody. Consider the following opposition positions:

Conservative "pro-life": Finding important - possibly even essential, inherent or sacred (as in blessed by God) - value in innocent human life, in particular the life of an unborn or recently born child.

Progressive "pro-life": Finding important - as in supported, desired or sacred (as in blessed by Government) - value in any human life, at any age. In particular, supporting the preservation of the lives of rapists, murderers, terrorists, crime bosses, and any unborn children or recently born children that are desired by their parents or others who are waiting to adopt them. Others who are inconvenient can be (and in many cases should be) euthanized.

Other political camps, as far as I have been able to determine, have not attempted to articulate, or seen any benefit to articulating, a pro-life position.

There is, of course, one curious exception to the above. There are several organizations, with significant government influence, who have espoused, with what may appropriately be regarded as religious zeal, protecting the lives of specific animal species. These groups, and the protected species, are, alas, too numerous to list here.

I should also mention the movement known as "Black Lives Matter". I have been unable to determine in what way of any of the above mentioned areas this movement has articulated how black lives matter. (Of course, individual conservatives and progressives may be ready and able to articulate how they believe black lives matter. Just tread carefully and don't probe too deeply. Caveat interrogator.) Any attempt to characterize them or broaden the realm of what lives matter can be politically perilous. You should consult their sponsoring organizations for details about this if you have any questions regarding this matter.